Take an interest in solutions that help you!

With a high return on investment, analog becomes digital and complicated becomes easy. AUTOMATE!

Your document

(invoice, form, etc.)

It does not matter the input format of the document, for example, an already created PDF document can be used, as well as a document in the original paper form. You can get the documents into the DOCU-in system using the multifunction device you are already using.


(OCR, data extraction)

In the core of the DOCU-in system, OCR data (extraction) will be processed and recognized for the subsequent insertion of specific, required information (address, item, price, etc.) into your system – enterprise system, ERP, CRM…

Your system


Required final location (CRM, ERP, DMS, etc.) with required data and information. Readiness for further processing, eg final posting

  • dismantled manual routine activity
  • saving time, human resources..higher efficiency

Data into your systems easily, quickly, automatically and reliably

“Digital Workplace” by Intrexx DOCU-in

Make better use of the potential of your colleagues, employees

Saving employee time = higher performance of the whole company

  • Save employee time (use the potential and skills of your employees better and more efficiently)
  • Fast return on initial investment
  • Just to give you an idea: approx. 30% of the time of the average salary of an employee / month in the Czech Republic, routine activity with incoming documents – with our solution the expected return on investment within approximately 12 months

Can you use the mentioned 30% of the time more professionally and effectively?

It’s easy, fast and cheap.

  • Speed of deployment – implementation into your environment is unrivaled (thanks to the unique INTREXX platform)
  • Training and the possibility of independent creation of templates for invoices = flexibility and independence of the solution provider (adaptation to new types of invoices from your suppliers)
  • Easy user operation

We are database compatible

System “almost” independence ..

  • Integration with your systems as a basic prerequisite for the flexibility of a modern portal solution
  • Automatic insertion and extraction of data from invoices into your system (accounting systems, ERP, CRM)
  • Elimination of errors (however, the possibility of adjustment still remains)
  • Automation of the entire pre-preparation process, eg for posting

And that’s not the end of it …

INTREXX platform = a tool for creating WEB portals that can:

  • unify your data into one clear environment – we have a large range of adapters and the latest technology!
  • tailor exactly the applications your company needs – we know nothing but an individual approach!
  • create approval processes and thus automate work in your company – no more running with paper!
  • search and archive your data in full text – no more tedious searching!
  • literally put data from all your systems in your pocket – thanks to the responsive design and mobile application!

Are you interested?

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